The Wedding Bathroom Basket…

There is little as frustrating as finding that pesky stray hair at a wedding and coming to the awful realisation that you have failed to remember to pack hairspray, or those fabulous new sandals cutting your ankles within an inch of their lives and remembering that you have come without flat shoes or plasters.  We have all been there ladies……

‘What song should I walk down the aisle to?’…

A question I have been asked countless times by brides to be. My answer is always the same, as it really depends on the couple in question, and their taste in music, and preference. I can however guide people along the right path! I thought I would write a short blog feature on this topic. After…

The thrifty and nifty wedding …

Summer wedding season is upon us! The weather appears to be taking the hint, and the evenings are getting longer. Bliss! I love weddings. I have witnessed my fair share of wedding receptions, and ceremonies over the years, as a wedding singer! Time and time again, it is the finer details that really add to…

Light up your wedding day ..

The summer wedding season is looming, and I’m sure there are many brides and grooms to be busy tying up loose ends ahead of their big day! I adore weddings! Having sung at well over 200 weddings over the past few years, you could say I know one or two things about them! Although, I…